Bluestone Hills Tree Service And Landscaping
Yony Martinez was born and raised in Honduras. During his time in Honduras, Yony assisted his family in essential farm work. While living in Honduras, he obtained minor experience working in tree cutting. Working in this industry, he was motivated and intrigued with the type of work he was exposed to as a young adult.
In 2012, Yony immigrated to the United States. Since migrating to the U.S., Yony has resided in Harrisonburg, Virginia. During his time in Harrisonburg, he has obtained experience in different fields. Some of these experiences consist of landscaping, tree cutting, painting, construction, and etc. In 2018, Yony expanded his knowledge and unfolded his career in landscaping. During that year, Yony became owner and CEO of his own company, which is now known as Bluestone Hills Tree Service and Landscaping.
Yony was motivated by his own goals, beliefs, and ideas. His hope was to become successful in this industry. To this day, he is grateful and proud of all of his accomplishments. Being in the United States, Yony has learned to adapt to this country’s working environment. He considers every day to be a learning experience.
Yony’s goal for the future is to help others who want to obtain work, opportunities and along the way making Customers happy. He enjoys working with individuals who are willing to learn and expand their surroundings. Yony hopes to continue to help his family, friends, and loved ones with his business. In addition, Yony continues to work hard and improve in this industry.
Get Started Now With Bluestone Hills Tree Service And Landscaping
2266 Eversol Rd Rockingham VA 22802
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